About Our Company
Highly Trained, Highly Effective
ME PAT Services Ltd is an “award winning” (a rarity in our industry) compliance safety business whose aim is to protect lives and businesses established in September 2009 to work initially alongside our other business at the time, McCoy Energy, supplying commercial fuel cards since 2004. However, there is always a strong motivational force to starting a new business and this was Alison’s redundancy in the summer of 2009. Alison McCoy had been fully trained with years of experience working as a Portable Appliance Test engineer but very sadly her previous employer and good friend reluctantly had to let her go... At this point I immediately spotted a very special USP (Unique Selling Point) of a female PAT tester in a male dominated industry so we literary ran with this concept. Along with many years of business experience, thirty plus year’s sales knowledge and customer service skills working with various corporate companies, and also my ability to build a business through heavy networking – so we then set about to developed a very unique business!
Our partnership is unique in many ways as both myself and Alison are dyslexic – there I have said it, Alison will have words as she is very shy talking about dyslexia. The differences first of all between each are quite vast and difficult to explain but needless to say that over the years we compensate for both and work extremely well as a team. Alison is very practical within the PAT world; fault finding, investigation, methodical and not fazed by a mass of cables as I am at times. Ali is initially shy but has a great sense of humour which comes out when working around people, the surprising result is fantastic feedback from clients who feel at ease, which is certainly one of the main reasons we retain a large amount of our clients with well over 80 testimonials and words of support. We thank them all.
I previously had a sales career of well over three decades working within retail, construction and the fuel industry, I am a good verbal communicator and developed excellent service skills over the years. I love to work closely with clients to not only to find out more about their business but also their electrical safety needs, so face to face contact wherever possible is important. Until recently I would network twice, sometimes three times a week which has proved to be a successful way to launching a business – besides if it costs nothing to talk then I like to get my monies worth!! Nowadays as ME PAT is established and growing with bigger clients, I spend part of my week on site helping out with compliance testing.
In 2019 we achieved two major achievements, first was the anniversary of starting up in business ten years ago - on its own this would be worthy enough to “shout from the rooftops” within its own right. However, what we never expected was to not only, be nominated, but to be awarded with the prestigious "Best Tradesperson - Tyne and Wear Business Awards 2019” generated via social media based on recommendations. Timed with the 10 years in business this makes us feel proud of the recognition of the hard work we have put into MEPAT over the years. At the ceremony on accepting the award I quoted a previous award recipient which I felt summed up the past 10 years. "We have ran our business, our way, we did what we thought was best for the client not knowing if it was right - and certainly against the norm of the industry. However clearly the way people, businesses and clients have responded and supported us over the years and of course through voting for us shows we must be doing something right?"
Finally, as a sort of “footnote” to above as I type, we have received “another” nomination from the England’s Business Awards 2021 for “Best Professional Service Provider - Tyne and Wear Business Awards 2021”! Like I said we must be doing something right??